Monitor competitors pricing and get daily reports

Competition Tracker - A tool that helps you analyze competitors, gather market inteligence and stay ahead by receiving daily competitor analysis reports on price, availability and more.

Showing stats for competitor:

ItemItem PriceItem Availability
Phoenix Feather Wand £2105.00 ↑£100 since last checkOn Demand
Crystal Ball of Clairvoyance £1725.00 - £0 since last check 3 Available
Dragon Scale Armor £1545.99 ↓£424.01 since last check Out of Stock
... ... ...


1. Track relevant products

Track only products relevant to you. Get reports on availability and price change.

2. Daily reports

Get daily reports from all relevant sites you are tracking. Get competitive advantage by having up-to-date information.

3. Get reports in CSV format

Reports are available in CSV format, so you can easily import them into your wherever you need.


1. How do I sign up? - Just enter your email the form below, and we'll get in touch.

2. I don't see a price anywhere, how much does it cost? - We are reviewing every request separately due to various factors including the number of competitors you want to track, the frequency of reports, and the number of products you want to track. We will get in touch with you to discuss the pricing.

3. How long does it take to set up sites? - Depending on the number of sites you want to track, it can take up to 48 hours to set up the tracking.

4. Do you offer customer support? - Yes, you'll collaborate closely with us (the founders) so we can make sure you get the best possible experience and you'll have a direct impact on product development.